Little issues / twisted roads

    It is an issue once you started to get used to riding and you start noticing things on the road, things around you and you start noticing how commuting in a car can be dull, how you prefer the sight from your visor than behind the windshield, and how the road feels so small in a car than the lines you switch in that road!

You start noticing people in vehicles and what they’re were doing are they spacing out or just looking at their phones.

The problem is, as you ride more, the more you want to keep riding. Sure!! last time I’ve taken a long ride my left wrist struggled with the pain due to the handlebar being smaller than my shoulders width. I can also hear the front brake screech from time to time. Still, you try to adjust and keep going even experimenting some settings and see how the bike feels. One thing I did was stiffen the back suspension to handle my heavy weight. for some reason after a couple of twists here and there, it bounced back to its factory settings! You can tell if the chain was loose by setting on the bike and move it up and down with your finger. if it moves more than 25mm then you might need to consider tightening it up a bit. All these perks and test makes you want more from your bike. Don’t get me wrong the little Suzuki is a fine machine learner but the only problem is, it’s small for my size especially if I’m riding further and longer trips.

Another thing is, you can tell if the chain was loose by sitting on the bike and move the chain up and down with your finger. if it moves more than 25mm then you might need to consider tightening it up a bit. All these perks and test makes you want more from your bike. Don’t get me wrong the little Suzuki is a fine learner machine but the only problem is, it’s small for my size especially if I’m riding further and longer trips.

So what should I do? Well, I’ll keep riding the hell out of it and push my skills to the limits. It is harder to make a slow bike go fast than a fast bike to go slow while on the other hand it’s lots of fun going fast on a slow bike than going slow on a fast bike ;). so until next year who knows what can happen? but in the meantime, I’m having lots of fun and that’s what’s important to me.

So with no further delays here is my latest trip where I’ve beeing riding around Christchurch bays and enjoying the good weather. (if the video is too fast you can slow it down using the speed control from youtube). Enjoy šŸ˜‰

Author: mojok1444

Middle Age Man... just discovered the joy of riding a motorcycle

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